Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Getting older is always better than the alternative!

My love for this diabolically delicious combination knows no bounds, and I'm still amazed I had the self-control not to buy this when I found it in NYC last March. Of course, I knew if I bought it I would eat the whole thing. Right away.

I'm 35 today! Woo hoo!

There's no sarcasm in that, by the way. I'd rather be 35 than . . . well, pretty much any other age. My 20s were great but I have no desire to go back there, and the idea of being a teenager again gives me the heebie-jeebies (shudder). Nope, I'm good with being 35, creaky joints and all. I do wish I had my old memory back, though. Sigh.Wait, what was I saying?

How am I celebrating today? Writing a blog post at work, naturally! :) I have a 4 mile run planned for this afternoon, small group tonight, and somewhere in there I will be eating a Reese's Pumpkin (far and away my favorite of the seasonal Reese's shapes . . . well, the Christmas trees are also yummy, and the Easter eggs were the original, so they have tradition on their side . . .and don't forget the Valentine's hearts - new to the scene but with just the right balance between chocolate and PB . . . yes, people, I know I have a problem).

There are 3 days left in my Birthday Week of Running challenge! The good news: I only have 8 miles left to do and am only $5 away from reaching my fundraising goal for Blood: Water Mission! The not-so-good-news: There's rain forecast for tomorrow, which means I might need to fit those 8 miles into today and Friday, which will be busy for various reasons. Hmmmmm, we'll see.

Thank you ALL for the encouragement, birthday greetings, and words of affirmation. They've really meant a lot to me over the past week. Cheesy or not, I mean it when I tell you that every email, text, or Facebook post helps me focus on doing this.

Happy running!

1 comment:

  1. Jen, you could always run on a treadmill . . . ! (Happy birthday!)
