Saturday, November 5, 2011

Why, hello again, blogosphere!

Er, hi?

Once upon a time I had a blog. The year was 2004 and I was too cool (and by "cool" I mean "confused") for MySpace, but then I moved to China and some people cared about what I was doing there and I wrestled with my narcissism and signed up for a Xanga account. People read it and commented and I told funny stories about my students and cultural faux pas and posted pictures of sheep on bicycles and other oddities of living on the other side of the world.

Ah, Xanga, may it RIP. A moment of silence, please, for the innocence of our pre-Facebook selves.

Fast forward to November 2011. It's been a long, long time since I signed on to Xanga. I communicate in pithy status updates and wall posts and the occasional "Note." I text with my family and friends, and I upload pictures from my iPhone. (I don't tweet, but you should really take that more as a result of my laziness rather than a stand against micro-blogging.) However, in all these ways that communication has become faster and more immediate, I have found that I miss taking my time over a blog post. I miss exploring an issue more thoroughly and getting feedback on that exploration. I dislike how everything on FB is so easily digestible and pre-packaged; it rarely requires thought or a reasoned opinion. Instead, you can just hit the "Like" button and go on your merry way.

There will be no "Like" buttons on this blog. :) There will be rambling - but hopefully not too much pontificating. I'll probably discuss God, family and friends, teaching, books, and maybe even a TV show or two. I want your input so feel free to chime in with your opinions and ideas.

What will not be on this blog? Hmmm . . . I think I'm going to leave politics off the table, if only because I need one part of my life where I don't have to deal with it. I won't ask you for money (aren't you glad?). And I'm going to try, as best I can, not to become the Blogspot grammar police. I make no promises, though.

So there's my first post of this new venture. Please, affirm me by clicking the "Like" button below!



  1. I love reading my friends' blogs! I look forward to more.

    Your fellow grammar queen

  2. YAY!!!! Awesome! We can compare notes on this process. I've added you to my google reader. :)

  3. I read today's blog first but glad I decided to read this one. You're back! I am so glad you're back. Reading this was a reminder of how I enjoyed your Xanga posts and I'm sure this will be even better since I feel I know you more since the Xanga days. Plus, I need a blog to read not written by a menopausal women in recovery or a male-written leadership blog.
