Monday, January 23, 2012

There is no magic moment

January 1st. Next Monday. The day after my birthday party. When I get the new job/new apartment/new haircut/new . . . whatever. Just not now.

There is no magic moment for change. If it matters to you now, start now. If it doesn't matter to you now, why will it matter to you after the weekend? When the predetermined time arrives, why do we always think it'll be easier to start then, as opposed to right now?

Why have I had to relearn this lesson about 265,494 times in my life?

Today I moved from the house I shared with a roommate into the house my parents have bought for their future retirement (laugh if you want, but hey, big empty house!). This move has been in the works for a while, and has been definite since Thanksgiving, but it wasn't until yesterday that I caught myself having the following internal dialogue:

- Gosh, I really need to take that online research training course for work.
- Oh, yeah, but you can do it once you're in the new place

What the heck? What in the world does me being "in the new place" have to do with whether or not I complete a online training for my job????

So I got to thinking, and here is a list of things I've been putting off until I moved. No joke.
- Filing my taxes
- Renewing my AAA membership
- Changing my address for a couple of mailing lists I'm on (and want to stay on)
- Getting an oil change
- Planning my trip to a professional conference in late March

That list is ridiculous. What is even more ridiculous is the fact that I'm finally, as of today, in my new place and I still have no motivation to do any of those things. Er, ok, I'm pretty motivated to get an oil change because I really, really like having reliable transportation. But April 15th is tax day, right? Plenty of time.

Isaac Newton may have been the first guy to "discover" the principle of inertia, but I'm pretty sure I rediscover it daily. My body at rest tends to stay at rest. It's always, always harder to get started than it is to keep moving.

So with that I'm off to unpack some boxes and get myself settled in . . . maybe once I'm settled, I'll think about renewing my AAA membership. Yeah, maybe.

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